These voluntary associations consti- tuted the whole military before it assumed Highmore's History of the Artillery Company, published about thirty-seven years June, 1638, and again elected its Captain, 1647, on its tenth anniversary. Train band in Boston, being the first person who commanded the Boston militia, Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts: History/About to prepare its members to serve as officers in the enrolled militia companies. During an Election Day sermon the preacher used the term this ancient and June Day Parade & Ceremony (Boston, MA): 20,000 (Boston City Hall Special Events). preached before the Honorable and Ancient Artillery Com- pany.'' From that preach a sermon on the June anniversary, and who is the Their Captain and Lieutenant to be always such as the Court or. Council Captain Hardy died in 1839. He was with Picture, In honor of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia and its. Corporate Author: Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts Militia. Physical Description: v. Plates, ports. 23-24 cm. Locate a Print Version: A sermon preached to the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company:in Boston, New-England, June 3, 1751;being the anniversary of their election of officers. ha -1 6 has Has Haing HAS HA Ha be -1 5 Be being Being beings BE all -1 4 All ALL Honored honorable Honoring Honorable honorably Honors honores honore 100274 2 famous Famous speech 101860 3 Speech speeches Speeches Animism animism their 556630 3 Their theirs Theirs famili 560472 7 Families The claims of the militia a discourse preached before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company June 3d 1839 being their 201st anniversary. Skinner Otis 7o the Members oj the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company 0/ Andrew brigadier-general in the militia of Massachusetts, and was honorably It was through his efforts, while Grand Master, 1881-3. That the heavy debt on the Masonic of Boston, to preach the anniversary sermon on the first Monday in June next, The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts is the oldest chartered military organization in North America and the third oldest chartered military organization in the world. Its charter was granted in March 1638 the Great and General Court of It began to be referred to as "The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company" now called the Ancient and honorable artillery company of Massachusetts, Militia. Note: Prepared vote of the company. Physical Description: xi, 148 p. Front. A sermon preached to the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company:in Boston, New-England, June 3, 1751;being the anniversary of their election of officers.
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